This is my overly simplify character of generic MC from novels I read or drop from 3 languages.
- Japanese : Delusion good guy beta male
- Chinese(Hua) : Prideful thief
- Korean : Selfish bastard
Japanese : Delusion good guy beta male
Authors always make MC think just do something good or be what’s author think a good person then the world will be reward, some even make it like the world owe MC for be a good person, so delusional.
MC mostly has moral block for finish thing clear, like Batman never kill Joker and end up Joker kill more people yet Batman still refuse to kill Joker and Joker gone for kill more people again, however Jp MC much worse, always hesitate yet love to drag people around to trouble from their moral decision.
Chinese(Hua) : Prideful thief
Ch MC is on very opposite side of Jp MC, cold, merciless and killing is most solution for every enemy but most of Ch MC has the same BS pride problem, whatever men pride, sec pride, family pride, nation pride or what so ever pride; those pride always drag Ch MC to do very stupid thing cause more enemy, more trouble, more kill and end up broken power scope end up with ridiculous MC and don’t know how to end the story.
Because the pride, Ch author always look down every nation in the world, yes every nation, it doesn’t matter those nation are ally or foe of China, they are nothing but dirt in Ch author eyes and maybe many Ch reader eyes.
Ch MC is thief in nature, when they have some power it always end up in situation “are you going to give it to me or do you want me to take it from you by myself ?” you won’t see anything like fair trade or even normal trade in those novel and with their pride, many pleasing step and bribe are require before any meeting and negotiation.
Korean : Selfish bastard
Kr MC got best and worst of Jp MC and Ch MC, no moral, no pride, everything for themselves and maybe some for people around MC; cheat, lie and steal is second in nature of Kr MC, never seek gratefulness from Kr MC, they much worse then Ch MC in this subject, they took everything for granted and never mind to backstab any characters that just help them in previous paragraph.
Ch authors and Kr authors many are nationalism, I can understand Ch authors has been limited to access information from internet but Korea is democrat nation and rarely has any censorship yet many Kr author are BS nationalist like Ch authors; always hateful China and Japan for old history between them and yet Kr authors also hate USA so much in the same level with Ch authors, even Jp authors that lose the war cause USA and has trouble with USA military camp time to time not hate USA much as Kr authors do.